Faced with a disappointment, but persistence prevailed

Wednesday brought wind from the West, And a stomped castle from yesterday. I came to the beach late today; had some problems at home, but all seems to be well now.Not so, on the beach – someone decided they should destroy my castle I built yesterday, and did their best to stomp it down. But I am persistent, and hope springs eternal. I did my best with the sand that I could scoop up. I wasn’t alone today, had sweet visits from Henry, Isabella, their Uncle Kurt, dad Eric, and their grand mom Laurie💕 and a late day visit from Olga and Andrew, whose name I took for the Village – Andrewville!🏰💕Here is Castle #12 today.

castle #12 Wednesday , August 28, w 2024

This is what I saw when I got to the beach today – such a disappointment.

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