I’m counting the days till August and September

When I leave the beach in the fall, it seems like an eternity till I get back in August. I am planning to get there late in the day, on August 1.

It takes awhile to unpack, and get my 3 little birds situated in their cage, dig out all the buckets, shovels, and molds – but I’ll be there!

I hope to see you there!

Packing up, to leave the beach –

It’s always sad to gather up all my sand tools and molds, and store them away until next summer.  But the weather has made it easy for me to leave – it’s downright chilly!  Rain and wind came along this past Thursday, and it hasn’t gotten any better since! 

I will probably check in here every now and then, and let you know what I’m up to! 

I’d love to keep in touch with all of you – send me a note <3

Monday, Sept 12, 2011

All my company had gone home, and I walked up to the beach, and built this castle (always makes me happy to build something!)

working in the sand helps to sweep away sad and lonely feelings <3
my castle that I built after my Tennessee family had to go home

What a difference a day makes! Tues Sept 6, 2011

the wind is pushing the tide farther – this is the first thing I saw, coming over the dunes today at 4pm

After rain last night and today, I walked down to the bay about an hour before high tide.

I don't think these castles will be here for long!