Almost the full moon, and a high tide flattened the beach

We are coming on to the full moon on the 30th, and the tide came way up last night, levelling everything on the beach! Since I was working from scratch, I had only a small base upon which to work. I decided to try a miniature castle and tiny houses. I found out smaller is more difficult!

miniature castle, with a tiny village
the beach this morning, after the high tide last night

East wind, clouds, and peace💗

A beautiful cloudy day on the beach today, with a good breeze out of the East. Lots of people walking, who stopped to talk. (Talking is something I love to do! Please stop by!)
Kierca stopped, and we talked before I started building💗Kirit and his wife Vishakha came, for pictures and a lot of laughing!💗Linda, from South Philly came, and we thanked God for the blessing of this beach and Sandcastles!💗Kelsie, nanny to Naomi and Zara came by, as did Nathaniel, who wants to learn how to build Sandcastles and his Aunt Elizabeth, from DC💗 many more walkers stopped; some from the Market Street Beach, too!💗

Monday’s castle0

Sunday castles💗

Making castles on Sunday💗. The first photo is my partly done castle, but wanted to get the sailboats out on the bay. The second picture is my finished Castle, and the last picture is of Brendan’s finished Castle before the waves and the high tide take it.

Wonderful day on the beach today!

What a great day on the beach today!Aziza and Liia came, asking about castles. They were born in Kazan, Russia, living in Malvern, PA now. 💗 Dimitri and his wife, from Russia, living in Montreal now, friends from the beach for many years, found me! They had a conversation in Russian, with the girls💗 Bill, a friend of the 9 yo twins Katie and Ryan that I taught earlier this month, came to tell me that their teacher showed the class my website, with castles💗My son Brendan brought Julie and their 3 children, building a wonderful castle!💗There was a sweet note waiting for me in a sandwich bag this morning, from Molly, Jason, Harvey and Lila💗

Aziza’s first castle ever!
My castle today
Brendan’s castle today 💗
Sweet note from Molly, Jason, Lila and Harvey💗

Friday, and a good day on the beach!

A Southerly breeze today 💗Max (6) and his castle, Callie (8) and her castle, both from Ellicott City, Baltimore, MD, and my castle today.

Max (6) from Ellicott City, Baltimore, MD
Callie (8) Ellicott City, Baltimore, MD

my castle today

Very calm and peaceful day

A cloudy, calm day on the beach today, light wind from the Southeast. Best day so far!
Bill Newcott , from Delaware Beach Life came, for a visit this morning. They would like to do an article for the Summer 2024 issue.
Jill and her sister Ann stopped by, saying they saw my posts on “I Love Lewes”, and were friends of my brother, Bill Hicks , and go to the Tavern on the first Fridays.💗 Ginny came by just before I was leaving today.

my castle today

Nice people 💗

Today was a much better beach day than yesterday.First thing this morning, Conway and Annette brought their granddaughter, Rose💗 Molly brought Harvey and Lila to say hi this morning 💗 Randy, his son Lowen and daughter Beta were walking, and stopped by 💗Diane, whom I met last year, came by, too.💗Emma (6) and brother, Luke (9) were here, from Milton, with their cousin Archer (12), from Holden, NY 💗 Emma decided to hang out with me for the rest of the day.💗

Wednesday on the Massachusetts Street Beach

Today, castle tops came down – the first photo shows a great black backed gull, who decided to perch on a neighboring castle, taking out their castle top. The second picture shows the damage he caused. The third is another neighboring castle that survived. And the last picture is my castle that lost its top before I finished the village. I did the best I could, reaching over the village, to the top, making what I could, of the collapsed tower. The last picture is Emma (6), from Milton, who kept me company while I worked.

great black backed gull perched on a neighboring castle

Results of that perching

another neighboring castle
my castle, with an improvised top, after my tower collapsed
Emma. 6) from Milton – my sidekick today

High tide moat for the castle

High wind from the North earlier this morning kept the flies away. The biting flies came after lunch. Stumpy came for lunch again. The wind pushed the tide way up, around my castle. When I went down this morning, there were the remnants of a sweet Thank You, written in pebbles!💗Camden and Max, from Baltimore, brought their two children Phee (7) and Jules (4). Very nice to talk to them, and show them how to pack a sand mold.💗 I have sand toys free to good homes, in the two bags in front of the tree. 🏰Here is my castle today 💗 🏰

High tide moat today
my one footed buddy, Stumpy