Olivia is 10, big sister to Sarah 6 1/2 and Ariana, 5 (who built a castle earlier.) Olivia came down, and decided to build her own lovely castle, which had a winding pebble road. She wanted a photo with me(!)
Sisters from Andover, MA and a cousin from Silver Spring, MD with Grandpa Gerry
My unfinished castle on Friday, August 10, 2012
Today was another day with bad weather chasing us off the beach. A storm came over, with thunder, lightning and rain. I left an unfinished castle, and didn’t get a photo, but Bernard went down to the beach later, and took one for me (that I love!)
Bernard, Christine, & Billy – Friday August 10, 2012
It was fun watching Bernard 18, Christine 17, and Billy 18 work together. A few times, there was more sand on them than on their castle. Billy was working with a bad knee, but had some great engineering ideas. Bernard was great at making stairs; Christine kept working, with some human ‘roadblocks.
Niamh, Caelan, Sean, Hannah & Kyle on Friday Aug 10, 2012
Niamh 12, Caelan 9, and Sean 7 – teamed up with their cousins Hannah 12, and Kyle 10 – from Havertown, PA today. We were ‘rained out’ yesterday, but they really made up for it today! Wonderful young people that I was lucky to teach, and to build next to them.
Thursday, Aug 9 – storm came through
I went to the beach about 12:30, and there were 5 kids ready to build castles. But within the first half hour, we could hear thunder off in the distant Southwest. When I saw a lightning strike, I told the kids we needed to be off the beach.
We left all the buckets, shovels, and molds on the beach, thinking it would pass quickly, but it got worse – and I had to run back and get them safely up on the dune.
I barely made it back to the house before the heavy downpour started.
The forecast for tomorrow and Saturday don’t look very good, but it could be a good day for making cookies!
A view of the castles from the dunes 8-8-12
My Wednesday 8-8-12 castle
this castle was more like a fort today. The builder (me) seemed to be moving like a sloth.