My daughter, Michelle and grandson Riley went to the beach a little after 11 today, so I got there about 11:30 today (I haven’t been getting there till after 1 or 2 lately.)
I was able to finish a castle, AND sculpt an alligator, and it felt so good!
every day we have is a blessing <3[caption id="attachment_562" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Tues Aug 21 2012 - my castle - In every way, give thanks <3 "][/caption]
It was a very cloudy, chilly day today. I made chocolate chip cookies this morning, and did some cleaning, especially around Lu, Caesar, and Rica’s cage.
Here’s my small castle today. (I liked it, even though it was small. Then again, I am very easy to please.)
Adrienne is the oldest. at 8, of the 3 children. Riley is next, at 6, and Bridget is 4. They all worked on the castle together. Can you tell they liked making the steps best?Adrienne, Bridget and Riley, with their many stairs castle
We had a destructor, who flattened castles sometime after building yesterday and today. New castles do ‘spring up’, but it’s very difficult to pull up the sand again to the same height.