Lots of kids playing, and borrowing sandcastle molds, buckets and shovels, but none of them built – just played!
So – just my castle today. There is a Coast Guard boat anchored offshore – looked like it was a training day for the guys aboard.
beautiful family from Ontario came back!
It was WONDERFUL to see Dimitri and Alexandria’s girls come back to my beach!
Olga is their youngest, just turned 2. Next is Vera, 7 years old; Roxanna, 10; and Mila is 12. Each of the three older girls built their own castle (but I wasn’t quick enough to get their photos!
I was able to get a photo of Isabelle, 6; her Dad, Paul, and her brother Dylan, from Leesburg, VA, with their castle of yesterday.
I had to work very hard today, to get the sand back up, to build today’s castle. If you looked at my castle from yesterday, you’ll see the difference.
At the end of the day, I had Ella, 6, from Bethedsda, Maryland, and Aidan 6, from Potomac, Maryland building.
It was a good day on the beach, for sure!
Paul, Isabelle 6, and Dylan 4 – from Leesburg, VA
Ella 6, from Bethesda, MD, and Aidan 6, Potomac, MD
Roxanna, 10 years old – her castle
Mila, 12 years old; her castle
All our castles beaten to the ground
What a disappointment this morning, to find every single castle smashed to the ground!
A new family arrived, and built for the first time today. Paul (Dad) and his daughter Isabelle (6), from Leesburg (Northern Virginia) had a fantastic start on their castle. Hopefully, they’ll come back to finish.
My castle turned out to be a very flat fort of sorts. (I can only scoop so much sand and water up in a day.)
my very flat fort castle today
Paul (Dad) and Isabelle’s (6) castle start
Missing my old friends
I can’t tell you how much I am missing Rachel, Roxanne, Laynie and Charlie (and even Gracie!)
I really miss a new friend, Evelyn Ann, from Rutland, Vermont, who had to go home, but left me the sweetest note <3 Please keep in touch, Evelyn Ann!
Only my castle today - hopefully more kids, more castles tomorrow.
My castle today, with the ferry and the Kalmar Nykel in the background.
An old friend came back to say hi!
Friday brought old friends, saying goodbye to some
It was wonderful to see old friends – brothers Alex (14) and Logan (11) from Baltimore, MD. More old friends who came today were brothers Daniel (8) Sam (11)and their cousin Brydon (12) from Washington, DC.
Sad to say goodbye to Kaitlyn (6) and her brother Andrew (3) from Stormville, NY
Alex and Logan’s mountain side castle
Daniel, Sam, and Brydon/just home from Ballet Camp!
Goodbye to Kaitlyn, going home to New York
In front of my castle
Same great kids, new castles today
Amazing kids, wonderful castles
When I see these amazing kids on the beach, it makes my heart so happy!
They are creative, sweet, polite, and just amazing!
Kaitlyn 6, from Leetown, NY/caption]
Charlie, Rachel, and Hawaiian castle
Gracie, Rachel, Charlie and Hawaiian castle
Roxanne, Rachel, Charlie, Ruby, and me – with their “Hawaiian castle
Roxanne, Charlie, Rachel, Ruby with Rachel’s Hawaiian castle
Roxanne, Lanie with Sponge Bob Square Pants Bikini Bottom sandcastle
All castles were destroyed last night
We walked down to the beach this morning, and found that every single one of the kids’ castles, and mine were destroyed. Very sad and disappointing. I’ve been here since August 5, and we’ve had good kids/people. They must have just come down. I sure hope they go home, and never come back.
Monday on the beach with great kids!
There were lots of kids – lots of great castles today!
Rachel <11, Gracie 3, Kyra <8, Roxanne <9, Charlie <7, and Laynie <9 and their castle
Brayden 9, and Alyssa 12, from Dover, PA worked together and built a great castle!
Evelyn Ann 11, from Rutland, VT worked with Eli 10, from Washington DC on this castle
Here is my late in the day castle, with Evelyn Ann still working in the background.