John 8, Alexandra 11, and Julia 11, from Rockville, MD, and their castle today.
Steele 9, Bella 9, and Fenner 6 – from Wilmington, DE, with their deep tunnel castle.
Even spending time with kids, I did manage to build a castle today.
Building in August & September on the Massachusetts Street beach, in Lewes, Delaware
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Today, my challenge was to finish a castle, and be OFF the beach by 3:30pm. Only a dinner with Brendan, Julie and Maura, at Irish Eyes Pub & Restaurant could be incentive enough.
I did finish in time!
What a great surprise to see a new ‘sandcastle neighbor’ set up right next to my castle ruin (trampled last night.)
Fenner 6 and Cecilia 7, friends “since they were zero” from Wilmington, DE, with their “We love sandcastles” sign
If you click on my castle, you will see the Kalmar Nykel with its sails furled, in the bay, to the right of the sailboat.
Friends Justin 7, from New Jersey and Trevor 8, from New York, with their drip decorated castle.
What a beautiful day on the beach today! The Northeast wind was still blowing, but not nearly as strong as yesterday. SO happy to see my old friend Kira 8 (from 4 years ago!) and Maddy 9, and their huge castle and village.
my castle today, built in the water, because of the extremely long high tide
Friends John and Wesley, both 8 years old, from Rockville, MD, and their team castle.
6 year old Grant and his mom, Lauren (a Sandra Bullock look-a-like) and their wonderful castle, complete with village houses and great trees! (Lauren taught me her tree trick (make a lump before dripping the tree.)
There were no school age kids on the beach, and not many people at all. The wind was pretty strong; the turbine windmill was not running (is it because the wind is too strong?) Here’s my castle today – a little bigger on the same spot. No trees, and only a small village today, because there was a little thunder and distant lightning (I’m off the beach as soon as I hear or see it!)
If you’d like to follow me on Facebook, you can find me at: Lynda.Hicks.McKeown – or use my email: