Before I write about today, I want to acknowledge a good beach citizen, Shannon Stevens. He gathered up broken chairs and trash thrown up on our dunes! Makes me happy!
Great kids today from Montreal – Mela, Roxanna, Vera and Olga.

Building in August & September on the Massachusetts Street beach, in Lewes, Delaware
Before I write about today, I want to acknowledge a good beach citizen, Shannon Stevens. He gathered up broken chairs and trash thrown up on our dunes! Makes me happy!
Great kids today from Montreal – Mela, Roxanna, Vera and Olga.
Since I let the sand tell me what to do, this is the castle today
Thane 7, and Zoe turning 7 in a few days, made a very nice castle together.
I took a photo of my castle before I walked home for lunch- and then it rained, and rained, and rained hard! Here’s a photo of before and after the rain.
Even with teaching kids, I was able to finish making a castle.
Siena (almost 4) from San Antonio, TX and cousin Virginia (5) and their castle. Siena’s brother Christian (7) also from San Antonio, is a great sandcastle builder, but is not in the picture.
Meeting kids and families, and teaching others to build castles is fun and very rewarding, beside being very relaxing!
I teach kids the usual method of dripping water and sand, also a way that kids like, using a funnel with water and sand (invented by a very young Charlie, from Frederica, DE.) Maura (4) decided to decorate her castle like a funnel cake.
Here are two of my castles, plus one of my son Brendan and granddaughter Maura’s.