Josie is 9, from Kensington, MD and Washington, DC, and was very intelligent, and great to talk to!

Building in August & September on the Massachusetts Street beach, in Lewes, Delaware
Josie is 9, from Kensington, MD and Washington, DC, and was very intelligent, and great to talk to!
Lucy built this one, but didn’t get a picture taken.
It did feel good to get so much done, after yesterday’s storm.
He was very proud of this creation ( I thought it resembled a Narwhale.)
Late in the day, combined with a strong South East breeze, saw the collapse of my castle (about 3 minutes before I was able to take a photo! Will try harder today & try earlier!
Two families got together last year, and kept in touch over the winter – and reunited yesterday! They buried their kids – very creative, and very entertaining!
Lucian 11, from Towson, MD, asking to stay later before the 4 hour drive home. Hope to see him next summer!
Some first time, some from last year
Between teaching kids, I did build a castle today. Had to reshape. because of the very high tide last night (wind from NE coupled with a full moon.