Friday warmed up, as did I!

I had about an hour of prep work before 4 hours of building and carving, but needed another 20 minutes to finish the West side of the castle! The shadow stretched all across the dune path at 5:45pm – food and wine were calling me!

First castle since Monday!

I have videos of the beach Tuesday and Wednesday, but no photos. It was REALLY windy and chilly, and no building for me.

A Nashvillian returns!

Airek, in his twenties, was in Lewes 2 years ago, and was bitten by the Sandcastle bug. He returned, and built a great Castle next to mine!

Very hot on the beach Thursday!

I was moving more slowly than usual, and even took a break sitting in the water for awhile, to cool off. When I took the picture, I had trouble finding the horizon where the water met the sky! I left a little earlier than I would have liked, because of the storm coming.

Had to start over

A mother of one of the children who trampled yesterday’s castle said she thought it was like the sandcastle contest, where they’re destroyed afterward. I explained I work on the same spot, so I don’t have to start over.

the NE wind took part of one of the towers before I finished.

First castle after the storm

Sunday, September 8, was my first time on the beach, since Wednesday, September 4, before Dorian’s storm here.

It’s good to build, in these last summer days!

small, but sincere castle, from the ground up. Hopefully a little bigger tomorrow.