I wasn’t here yesterday, and even though my sign was here, saying I build on the same spot, Sunday’s castle was stomped.

Building in August & September on the Massachusetts Street beach, in Lewes, Delaware
I wasn’t here yesterday, and even though my sign was here, saying I build on the same spot, Sunday’s castle was stomped.
It was so good to build today, after the crazy weather yesterday.
The first picture was taken at 10am; the 2nd picture taken at 3pm, right after the tower fell.
It was hard to keep my hat on today,but I needed it for the sun!
Today’s Castle seem to withstand the strong North wind.
It’s better if I listen to the sand. Yesterday, I came with the idea to build a wall against the strong West wind.
I am much happier with today’s castle.
Maya, cousin to Jazmine and Aziza, from Washington DC, made some great drip trees!
I tried to block the West wind, but it wasn’t very effective
Today’s castle had a wall protecting against the West wind, but it didn’t work too well.
Stella was my socially distanced companion on the beach today, and was great company. Here is her mermaid pool, with the little lumps of sand as mermaids. (You have to have a big imagination. She does.)