Lots of visitors on the beach today

Lots of kids with parents came to visit me today on the beach. One of my visitors was a former sandcastle kid, now grown up, and a successful man. It’s so good to see these kids grown up!
Here’s my castle today –

Nice day on the beach, with a 7 year old friend

It was a nice day today, with a small breeze out of the East. I had the company of Elliot, an intelligent 7 year old friend from a great family I met on the beach. He kept up a good chat about the pyramids, lego land, ninjago, and lots of topics.

I had to start from scratch, since there was no sign of yesterday’s castle or mound. I wrapped an alligator around the bottom (I haven’t made one in a long while!)

Beautiful Sunday on the beach

With wind coming onshore, Sunday was a gorgeous day. Here’s my Sunday’s castle – it’s rightside up, because I tricked the website by saving my Facebook post’s photo. I win (today – but who knows what technology will put me up against tomorrow?)

First and second castle of the summer, and first kids <3

I am so happy to be back on the beach, and meeting and teaching kids.

3 wonderful girls: Ny’Kirah 13, from Philadelphia; Cheyenne 13, from Breezewood, PA; and Kairi almost 13, from Harrisburg

First castle, on Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Second castle, on Wednesday, August 2, 2017