I did get to the beach earlier today, but a group of adults decided that my castle from yesterday wasn’t going to be finished, (since I didn’t get there till 1:15pm.)
They decided to knock down the castle, and SIT up on the mound that I had been working on all week. So, when I got there, their chairs were RIGHT up on TOP of what had been my castle from yesterday. Never mind that there was PLENTY of space in front of, alongside of, in back of the castle. They put their chairs and big cooler on TOP.
One of the women came over to me later, to say that they didn’t think I was coming. But she thought I would “have fun rebuilding.” I said, no, it would NOT be fun rebuilding. I was 66, and it would NOT be fun.
So – I had to start from scratch, which is not easy, and definitely not necessary, unless some inconsiderate people decide to sit up on the castle.
I’m sorry I’m in this picture – I do look a little crazy (which I am) but I guess the camera ‘caught’ me.