Sadly, leaving Lewes a week early

Yesterday morning, we decided that Jack’s CHF needed to be seen by his doctor, because of his trouble breathing, and the increased swelling in his feet and legs, and yesterday, his hand. We packed up, with much appreciated help from our friends, Audrey and John, and I drove us home to Village Green. We will see Jack’s CHF cardiologist Monday, after labs are done.
I am grateful that we had 4 of our 5 weeks here, in Lewes. I ask, and will be grateful for prayers for Jack.

The Wind continues!

It was so nice to meet Tammy and Heather, from Port Lewes and from Pennsylvania this morning. 💕 Seeing Conway and Annette again was great!💕 The strong North East wind was in force again.💨 I built my 18th castle today.

my 18th castle
Today’s castle, looking West, toward the Inlet

It’s Windsday today!

We still had a strong wind onshore from the NorthEast, but yesterday’s castle was completely intact, and I decided to try an alligator, and a little tower. Colleen Davis Jacono came down to say hi, and it was nice to meet Juanita Haulsee and her friend Sharon.

an alligator guards yesterday’s castle

a small tower added on

Another windy day today

Very strong onshore wind brought the tide way up beyond the castle (but I didn’t have to go far to get water.)
Not many on the beach, but Stumpy hung out with me, as usual. I’ve known this one footed seagull for five years now.

Difficult building today, with the strong wind
Stumpy, hanging out with me, by the castle

Labor Day Monday

Labor Day Monday, strong NEwind Onshore these pictures were taken at 3pm, when the wind calmed only a little. Heather Casale came, with her 3 daughters; Gianna built a nice castle with great stairs!💕🏰

my 16th castle
Gianna, and her castle💕🏰

Sunday, on Labor Day weekend

Not as many people as yesterday, but I was blessed with some great kids – Savannah and Alexandra, Wesley, Wyatt and Walt, and Reese❤️. Beautiful Andree Galindo came with cold drinks for me💕and lovely Gillian sat with me, and kept me company.💕Here is my 15th castle.

A nice breeze from the East today

Today was a good beach day, with a nice breeze out of the East. Ramona and Rochelle stopped by on their walk💕 George also stopped to chat 💕 Alicia was my neighbor on the beach today 💕It was great to have an awesome crew to help making the huge drip tree at the back of the castle – Wesley, Wyatt and Walt, Alexandra and Savannah, Bryce and Reese💕

In the kitchen, baking today

With 60% chance of more rain predicted, I am taking the day off from building a sandcastle (and doing some baking. I am baking a favorite recipe – chocolate banana cake.💕🥮💕I’ll be on the beach tomorrow, God willing.🙏💕

Strong NorthEast Wind Today

Wind onshore, from the North East kept the beach cool today.Ethan 6, and Mason 5, came with their grandmother Mary, from Kentucky ,to learn how to build sandcastles💕Evelyn 10, and Jack 8, brought their Mom and Dad, I showed them everything I know, and they borrowed one of my sand molds, planning to build,!💕Kim came to take a selfie with me, to show her mom the castle💕Here is Castle #13 (5 hours – 60 scoops of sand, using a 1 gallon bucket, 13 gallons of water, and lots of packing and shaping, before I even start to build.)I love building them, and love sharing how-to, and tools!

13th Castle this summer

Faced with a disappointment, but persistence prevailed

Wednesday brought wind from the West, And a stomped castle from yesterday. I came to the beach late today; had some problems at home, but all seems to be well now.Not so, on the beach – someone decided they should destroy my castle I built yesterday, and did their best to stomp it down. But I am persistent, and hope springs eternal. I did my best with the sand that I could scoop up. I wasn’t alone today, had sweet visits from Henry, Isabella, their Uncle Kurt, dad Eric, and their grand mom Laurie💕 and a late day visit from Olga and Andrew, whose name I took for the Village – Andrewville!🏰💕Here is Castle #12 today.

castle #12 Wednesday , August 28, w 2024

This is what I saw when I got to the beach today – such a disappointment.